How To Obtain Permission To Use Our Photos
How To Obtain Permission To
Use Our Photos
Written permission must be obtained from the Sharon Historical Society to use, reproduce, or publish images from the Society’s collections. Use the form button below to request permission.
Permission to view photographs from the Sharon Historical Society does not convey the right to publish or reproduce the images in any manner, including uploading them to other websites. Photographs in our collection may be subject to copyright restrictions. For permission to reproduce or publish a photograph, email Please limit requests to twenty-five photographs per order. Digital fees and usage fees may apply.
A Publication is defined as any published reproduction of an image such as: printed reproduction, book, periodical, flyer, published film, or published electronic publication (slide show).
Each item must be reproduced unaltered and, in its entirety unless approved in writing by the Society. The reproduction may not be cropped, bled off the page, guttered across facing pages, or printed on colored stock or with colored ink, nor may anything be superimposed on the item. When a detail is used, the word “detail” must appear in the credit line.
The photo must be properly credited and in direct relationship to the image, using the following credit line: "Image(s) Courtesy of the Sharon Historical Society, Sharon Springs, NY."
The permission granted herein is for reproduction and publication of the Image or Film(s) in published formats only, including published versions of film or electronic publications only. The applicant may only make digital copies as absolutely necessary in intermediate process steps to the creation of a book, periodical, published film, or published electronic publication. The Society does not otherwise grant permission to reproduce or process any item(s) in any digital format (including websites). Such permission must be separately obtained in writing.