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Help Us With Our Annual 
Operating Fund Expenses

It takes a lot of money to operate a museum on an annual basis.  It is our goal to have the museum operate on a year-round basis.  That means increased utility expenses (heat and electricity), museum programming, exhibit expansions, newsletters, book printing, and more. At the present time, our only way to pay for these expenses is through membership dues, fundraising, and donations.


Your gift to the Sharon Historical Society’s Annual Operating Fund goes beyond your membership and touches every aspect of the Society, from exhibition development, care of our buildings and the thousands of historical items in our collections, community and educational programming, and so much more.  Please consider making a donation today.  Our past and future depend on it!


To avoid the credit card processing fee of 2.9% and ensure that your full donation goes to the Sharon Historical Society, we prefer that you mail us your donation and a check.  Please note on your check that the donation is for the General Fund.  You can mail your donation to:


Sharon Historical Society

PO Box 363

Sharon Springs, NY  13459


If you would like to make a donation by using a credit or debit card, please click on the button below.

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